
Project Overview is a desktop application built for insurance agents to help them manage their clients. The basic codebase is adapted from AddressBook Level 3, an address book app created under the Seedu Initiative. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 14 kLoC.

Summary of contributions


  • New Feature: Added feature to add and remove insurance plans of clients PR
    • What it does: allows the user to add and remove insurance plans that contain a plan name and premium amount
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because it is an important functionality for our specific target audience (insurance agents)
    • Highlights: Unlike most other commands, the plan command supports 2 functionalities: adding or removing insurance plans, depending on which prefix the user inputs

Code contributed

RepoSense link

Pull requests

Project management

  • Set up the GitHub team org and repo
  • Helped to maintain issue tracker on Github
  • Contributed to project notes document
  • Create product demo for v1.2 on project notes document


  • User Guide:
    • Added documentation for the plan feature: #45
    • Proofreading and general formatting: #161
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added implementation details of the plan feature: #141
    • Added design considerations for insurance plan premium: #143
    • Added 1 sequence diagram and updated 1 class diagram: #153
  • Project Website:
    • Updated project website: #161